
EXPOPROMOTER LTD a company, incorporated in England and Wales under registration number 8710317 at the following address: Second Floor, 13 John Prince’s Str., London, W1G 0JR, United Kingdom (hereinafter - the “Company") on the one part and the web-site user in the Internet , hereinafter referred to as the "Partner", concluded the Offerta contract on beneficial cooperation according to the conditions stated below.

  • 1. General terms:
    • 1.1. he Partner registers in the program using registration form at the web-site page http://expopromoter.com/zh/affiliates/signup/ The Company reserves the right to reject or deactivate the application (registration) without mentioning a cause.
  • 2. Subject of the Offerta:
    • 2.1.The Partner undertakes to provide the Company with information services on dissemination of information about the events, listed in the Company calendar, to facilitate the attraction of visitors / exhibitors (Clients) of these events (hereinafter - the "Services"), and the Company undertakes to pay for Services in amounts and terms, provided in this Agreement.
  • 3. Parties obligations:
    • 3.1. The Company is committed to:
      • 3.1.1. Provide Partner with access to the Personal Cabinet (PC). Access to the PC is carried out using the login and the password. The Partner sets and changes the password to access PC personally. Statistical data, regarding services provision, is real-time available in the PC.
      • 3.1.2. Carry out charges timely under the following conditions: the event, where visitors / exhibitors are attracted, is over, the Company services are paid by the Organizer, and the funds are transferred at the Company bank account.
      • 3.1.3. Provide the Partner with promotional materials for Services provision. The Partner has the ability to publish advertising materials, provided by the Company, as well as own marketing materials. The Company is not responsible for the efficiency of promotional materials in case of own promotional materials use, or in case of misuse of the Company's promotional materials, or making changes in the Company's promotional materials.
      • 3.1.4. Provide the Partner with explanations on matters, arising in connection with execution of this Agreement.
      • 3.1.5. Timely inform the Partner about any changes in the Agreement.
      3.2. The Partner is committed to:
      • 3.2.1. Provide Services according to the conditions of this Agreement during the full terms of this Agreement.
      • 3.2.2. Personally ensure the confidentiality of the Password, be responsible for all activities that occur with the use of Password, and the risk of possible adverse consequences, related to loss and (or) disclosure of the specified Password.
      • 3.2.3. Placement of the advertising materials only on own web-sites and / or the web-sites of the third parties, if it does not violate the rules, established by these web-sites. The Company prohibits advertising / publishing any information about it in spam-mailings, as well as at illegal Internet resources (web-sites).
      • 3.2.4. Recognize only Company statistics data, available in the Personal Cabinet, to confirm the list, the content of provided Services and charges size.
      • 3.2.5. Remove the advertising materials from any resource at the Company's request.
  • 4. Customer accounting and calculating procedures
    • 4.1. The charges for the Partner are made automatically straight after the end of the event, where new Clients were attracted by the Partner. The event organizer reserves the right to reject Client registrations (both exhibitors and visitors), in case of the Client's data mismatching the conditions of event visiting, as well as spam registration. The charges to the Partner will be made for accepted registrations by the Organizer.
    • 4.2. The Company pays remuneration to the Partner for the Services under this Agreement by the 20th day of each month on the basis of statistical data on involved Clients in the Partner’s PC.
    • 4.3. The minimum amount of remuneration is 100 (one hundred) US dollars. If the amount is less than the minimum payment, this payment is transferred to the next period.
    • 4.4. The Company undertakes to pay the remuneration to the Partner at the bank details, specified in the Partner’s PC. The payment obligations are considered as performed by the Company from the date of funds debiting from the payment account of the Company.
  • 5. Liability of the Parties
    • 5.1. The Parties are responsible for improper performance of the Contract in accordance with UK legislation, regarding the conditions, established by the Offerta, and undertake to protect the confidentiality of the Partner accounts data. The company has the access to Partner information with a sole purpose of technical provision of Partner’s possibility to provide the Services.
    • 5.2. The Company is not liable to the Partner for detriment of any kind, incurred by the Partner because of disclosure, loss or inability to obtain the latter's credentials. Any person, collecting passwords and other confidential information, required to identify the Partner or using this data for authorization in the PC, is regarded as Partner’s representative and acting on his behalf.
    • 5.3. The parties are relieved from responsibility for partial or full default of obligations under this Offerta, caused with the force majeure arising after its signing. Such circumstances may be related to natural disasters; natural and industrial disasters; acts of terrorism; hostilities; civil disturbance; telecommunications failures of universal nature; adoption by the public authorities or local self-government of acts, containing bans or restrictions on the activities of the Parties; other circumstances, that cannot be foreseen or prevented.
  • 6. Offerta validity and conditions of alteration
    • 6.1. The Offerta comes into force upon publishing in the Internet at the following address: http://expopromoter.com/zh/about/oferta/ and is valid until the Offerta withdrawal by the Company.
    • 6.2. The Company reserves the right to amend the terms of the Offerta and / or withdraw the Offerta at any time at its discretion. In case of Offerta alteration by the Company, changes come to force upon publishing of the altered text of the Offerta in the Internet at specified in item 5.1. address, unless other term is not defined additionally in case of such publishing.
    • 6.3. The Company, in case of contract alteration, sends a notification to the Partner’s e-mail.
    • 6.4. All relations, that existed before the contract alteration, are regulated by the contract version, which existed at the moment of their occurrence.
  • 7. Offerta acceptance and contract conclusion
  • 8. Other conditions
    • 8.1. Information, concerning the cooperation between the parties under the terms of this agreement, information about new solutions and technical knowledge, etc. – is confidential.
    • 8.2. The party, received such information within the execution of the Agreement, undertakes not to transfer it to the third parties, as well as provide such a mode of information use, that will prevent disclosure.
    • 8.3. None of the parties are allowed, without the consent of the other party, to assign claims from this Agreement to a third party, if such assignment is connected with transmission of confidential information, received from another party.
  • 9. Address and bank details of the Company:
    2nd Floor, 13 John Prince's Str., London W1G 0JR, UK
    Registration Number: 8710317
    Bank detail:
    АО Rietumu Banka
    Vesetas 7, Riga, LATVIA
    IBAN:  LV13RTMB0000648806174

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